the most
comprehensive guide

on music production 🎧

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Confucius once said

“damn son, my snare ain’t hittin’ hard”

I know it sounds random but let’s keep going.

so he searches through the web to find a tutorial.

why my drums sound like sh*t

but soon, he realized he needed
153 more searches
to get his drums right

"Sh*t" he said,
"there’s got to be a better way"


the most comprehensive guide

built to help aspiring producers  🎧

best info in one place

from 📹 youtube videos to 📰 blog articles.

share your knowledge 🥰

anyone can submit, vote for better resources

Berklee College of Music costs $48,420 per year

Skillshare costs $180 per year

jungl is free

available to everyone who has a dream

join the guide,
learn making music.

“now my beats boppin”

- Confucius / 479 BC

why I made this thing

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